The Euro-Inf Quality Label

The Euro-Inf Framework

The Euro-Inf Framework is a Europe-wide applicable qualifications framework for graduates in informatics at Bachelor and Master level which was developed by the partners of the Euro-Inf Project (2006-2008). The Framework was tested and refined with the help of a series of trial-accreditations conducted in 2007 and 2008.


After the successful completion of the Euro-Inf Project, the European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education, short EQANIE, was founded. EQANIE awards the Euro-Inf Quality Label to degree programmes in informatics/computing which are able to demonstrate that they comply with the Euro-Inf Framework Standards and Accreditation Criteria adopted by EQANIE in July 2009.

In 2015, the Accreditation Committee of EQANIE in consultation with the members and authorized agencies updated the Programme Outcomes for Accreditation which constitute the backbone of the Framework Standards and the point of reference for the alignement of informatics degrees.


In 2016, the general parts of the Framework Standards were also updated in order to align them with current best practice in higher education quality assurance, in particular with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015, Brussels, Belgium).


In 2017, the Accreditation Committee in consultation with members and stakeholders published new programme outcomes for accreditation of business informatics or information system or related programmes. These have also been added to the Framework Standards.


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