Incoming INQAAHE President to speak at EASPA Conference

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Posted on 18 March 2013

The newly elected President of INQAAHE, Ms. Carol Bobby, will speak at the annual conference of the European Alliance for Subject-Specific and Professional Accreditation and Quality Assurance (EASPA e.V.)

The annual conference with the topic “Subject-based Quality Assurance: its contribution to quality development and mobility” will take place 

at The International Association Center, 40, rue Washington, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

on Tuesday, 21 May 2013.

Registation is open at The number of places is limited.

High profile speakers include Ms. Carol Bobby, INQAAHE President, but also Robert Wagenaar who will familiarize you with the latest developments in TUNING, which has spread to practically all parts of the world. The director of the American ASPA, a group of around 70 field specific Quality Assurance Agencies, will give an overview over the latest developments in disciplinary QA from the United States, you will hear about the example of developing sectoral standards in the ICT field, get an update on the role of professional cards in Europe and how they are related with accreditation issues and also be acquainted with the final conclusions of the Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes (AHELO) project and its repercussions for the future.

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