The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of EQANIE. It is formed by nominated delegates of all Full Members, Associate Members, and Individual Members. The General Assembly meets at least once a year.
The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of EQANIE. It is formed by nominated delegates of all Full Members, Associate Members, and Individual Members. The General Assembly meets at least once a year.
PresidentDr. Maria-Ribera Sancho |
Vice-PresidentProf. Dr. Rüdiger Reischuk
Past PresidentsProf. Liz Bacon Dr. Eduardo Vendrell Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Heiß |
Past Vice-PresidentsDr. Maria-Ribera Sancho Prof. Dr. Simone Martini Prof. Dr. Roland Ibbett Dr. Iring Wasser
The main tasks of the Board are to:
Dr. María Ribera Sancho, President
Prof. Liz Bacon, Past President
Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang, ASIIN
Dr. Kevin Chalmers, BCS
Prof. James Davenport, Member as Speaker of Accr. Comm.
Dr. Eduardo Vendrell, guest member, ANECA
The EQANIE Accreditation Committee has a crucial role in the procedure of awarding the Euro-Inf Quality Label. It is compounded by members appointed by the EQANIE Executive Board to make their judgments individually and independently and are not bound by instructions.
The Accreditation Committee takes responsibility for accreditation activities, the definition and development of the accreditation procedures according to the Euro-Inf Framework, the development of procedures for the authorisation of QA agencies applying for authorization to award the Euro-Inf Quality Label or the recommendation to the Executive Board to include or reject applications as EQANIE auditors.
The members of the Accreditation Committee elect a chair among themselves. The chair is elected for a duration of 3 years based on the majority of the votes cast.
Prof. James Davenport, BCS
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Reischuk, ASIIN
Prof. Dr. Ernesto Pimentel, CODDII
Mrs. Anne-Marie Jolly, CTI
Mr. Adrian Korzeniowski, European Students’ Union
Past AC Chairs
Dr. Maria-Ribera Sancho, ANECA (2018-2022)
Dr. Roland Ibbett, BCS (2010-2017)
The Secretary General is appointed by the Executive Board. The Secretary General supports all bodies of EQANIE in their activities linked to EQANIE’s objectives.
He/she executes the decisions of EQANIE’s bodies and manages the affairs of EQANIE by order of the Executive Board and according to the Board’s decisions.
David Witt Secretary General of EQANIE e.V. E-mail: Phone: +49 211 900977-20 |
The Permanent Secretariat is located at ASIIN Consult GmbH.
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