Published by admin
Posted on 23 March 2010
At its meeting on March 15th, 2010, the Executive Board of the European Quality Assurance Network of Informatics Education, EQANIE, established the EQANIE Accreditation Committee. Higher Education Institutions are now called upon to submit requests for the award of the Euro-Inf Quality Label.
The Accreditation Committee is composed of eight high-ranking international experts, such as Liz Bacon (Vice-President, British Computer Society), Juris Borzovs (University of Latvia), Christine Choppy (Board, Informatics Europe), Mark Harris (Intel, Director of Higher Education Europe), Roland Ibbett (BCS Rep. at Engineering Council UK), Manfred Nagl (Vice-Chair of the German Informatics Deans Conference), Riccardo Scateni (Vice-Präsident GRIN) and Tonny Wildvank (Vice-President Dutch Computer Society).
Key tasks of the EQANIE Accreditation Committee are to take the final decision on requests for the Euro-Inf Quality Label, to nominate expert auditors and decide upon the composition of audit teams, as well as to further develop the Euro-Inf Framework Standards and Criteria.
The first Euro-Inf accreditation procedures are already ongoing. The expert teams are formed from a pool of over 60 EQANIE-approved experts. The decision on the award of the first Euro-Inf Quality Labels is envisaged for coming autumn.
Information and requests forms related to the Euro-Inf Quality Label are available for download at
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