Published by admin
Posted on 15 April 2011
Since April 13th, 2011 the German accreditation agency ASIIN is authorized to award the Euro-Inf Quality Label to degree programmes at Bachelor’s and Master’s level on behalf of the European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education, EQANIE.
German Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are now invited to request the Euro-Inf Quality Label on top of their ASIIN-accreditation. Condition for a successful request is that ASIIN’s Technical Committee for Informatics is either the sole responsible or the leading technical committee during the accreditation process.
Prof. Hans-Ulrich Heiss and Prof. Hans-Ulrich Bühler, chairmen of the German conferences of informatics deans at German universities (FTI) and at German polytechnical universities (FBTI), highlighted the importance of field specific accreditation for academic and professional mobility in the European High Education Area. “The Euro-Inf Quality Label is a highly useful tool that can support our decisions on the acceptance of international applicants for postgraduate programmes”, stated Heiss. “An applicant from abroad will have a good chance to be seriously considered as candidate for a postgraduate degree if he or she has graduated from a Euro-Inf-accredited programme”.
Bühler stressed the role of the Euro-Inf Label in assessing the relevance of a programme for the labour market: “EQANIE accreditations always involve practitioners from the field. This is a crucial element in assessing if a programme meets labour market needs.”
FTI and FBTI encourage German HEIs to apply for the Euro-Inf Quality Label. Both organisations are active members of EQANIE. With the Euro-Inf Quality Label a new field-specific quality label for degree programmes has established itself in the European Higher Education Area.
Labels in other fields have been operating with great success for several years, such as the EUR-ACE Label for the field of engineering or the Eurobachelor/Euromaster Label in the field of chemistry. EQANIE considers the field-specific quality networks as crucial players for enhancing academic and professional mobility in the EHEA and beyond.
Contact person at ASIIN head office is Mr. Jan Lukassen, email:
EQANIE press contact: Frauke Muth,, +49 251 5908 1552
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