EQANIE Board adopts European framework standards and accreditation criteria for informatics programmes

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Posted on 30 July 2009

EQANIE has cleared the ground for the accreditation of informatics/computer science study programmes of European Higher Education Institutions: at its recent meeting on July 2, 2009, the EQANIE Board adopted European framework standards and accreditation criteria for informatics programmes.

In the course of the Euro-Inf Project (2006-2008), a joint project of the relevant stakeholders in informatics education in Europe and co-funded by the European Commission, the project partners developed and tested a first version of framework standards and accreditation criteria for informatics programmes in Europe. EQANIE holds full rights of ownership and copyright on the assessment tools developed by Euro-Inf. The EQANIE Board has now further developed the Euro-Inf Framework Standards and Accreditation Criteria for Informatics Programmes and adopted the updated version as an official EQANIE document.

With this decision, the EQANIE Board has established a basis for the accrediation of informatics programmes in Europe and opened the way for the enhancement of consistent quality standards of informatics/comptuer science teaching in higher education on a European scale. The Board of EQANIE underlines the fact that the adopted document was intentionally designed to be open for different regional and cultural approaches to designing and delivering informatics degree programmes in Europe.


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