By 23 March 2010

At its meeting on March 15th, 2010, the Executive Board of the European Quality Assurance Network of Informatics Education, EQANIE, established the EQANIE Accreditation Committee. Higher Education Institutions are now called upon to submit requests for the award of the Euro-Inf Quality Label. The Accreditation Committee is composed of eight high-ranking international experts, such as

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By 19 March 2010

At the meeting of its General Assembly on March 15th, 2010, in Milan, the European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education, EQANIE, welcomed the Spanish National Conference of Deans and Directors for Universities’ Schools of Informatics, CODDI, as new member. It is now envisaged to introduce a system of field-specific quality assurance in informatics higher education

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By 10 December 2009

To the purpose of disseminating and further developing the results of the Euro-Inf Project, ASIIN has received support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union in launching the follow-up project “Euro-Inf Spread”. The project officially started on November 1st, 2009. The kick-off meeting gathering the representatives of the partner organisations took place in

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By 30 July 2009

EQANIE has cleared the ground for the accreditation of informatics/computer science study programmes of European Higher Education Institutions: at its recent meeting on July 2, 2009, the EQANIE Board adopted European framework standards and accreditation criteria for informatics programmes. In the course of the Euro-Inf Project (2006-2008), a joint project of the relevant stakeholders in

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